Natural and Homeopathic Teething Remedies for Babies

When a baby firsts starts to teethe, there are tell-tale behavioral signs and changes. Most times babies will chew their hands or put anything they can find in their mouth as well as rub their gums on objects you would rather they stay clear of. Many babies will also drool, this is from the excess saliva to help the new tooth break through the gum. 
Teething is a milestone in the development of the baby, and it’s also important for parents to know the handling teething babies. Handling and proper treatment while growing teeth is very important for the baby to reduce the pain and discomfort that accompany growing teeth. In this article we will present several ways teething remedies for babiesusing natural treatments and home remedies. You can try the following treatment.

Common Signs of Teething

  • Teething in infant is generally characterized by the following symptoms:
  • Red, swollen gums
  • Excessive drooling
  • Chewing/Gnawing on fingers or toys
  • Stuffed nose
  • Behavioral changes: Increase in fussiness, need for comfort, crying, sleep patterns
Almost all babies will experience one or two symptoms above as a sign of growing teeth, usually these symptoms are accompanied with pain and discomfort in infants. But in some cases grow baby teeth do not leave any pain in infants, this is normal, because the symptoms of teething vary from one baby to another.

Natural Remedies for Soothing a Teething Baby

Natural Teething Remedy 1: Teethers

Teethers come in all shapes and sizes. A useful and natural remedy for a teething baby is any liquid-filled teether that can be refrigerated for frozen. The cold temperature soothes and numbs baby's gums, without making a mess because the liquid is contained. This is best used for daytime relief.

Natural Teething Remedy 2: Frozen Bananas

For babies who are eating solid foods, and have already been introduced to fruit, a frozen banana does wonders. Take a banana and peel it. If you leave the peel on and then freeze it, you will not be able to peel it very easily. Cut the banana in half. Cut off the tips and remove the "stringy" pieces. Place the banana half in a freezer bag or other plastic bag.
When the baby is experiencing teething pain during the day, take one of the half bananas out of the freezer and out of the plastic bag. Either hold the banana for the baby, or let him or her hold it and chew on it.
The good thing about using a frozen banana is that the baby will be able to gum it and very small pieces of the banana will come off, not large chunks.

Natural Teething Remedy 3: Frozen Facecloth

Some parents swear by the frozen facecloth method. They freeze a facecloth or two and let the teething baby chew on it.

Natural Teething Remedy 4: Rub Ice on Gums

Rugging ice on the gums can be tricky depending on the size and shape of the ice cubes in your freezer. If you can find icicle-shaped ice cube trays, they will come in handy. Rub an ice cube on baby's gums. This provides very temporary relief, but it might be enough.

Natural Teething Remedy 5: All-Fruit Popsicles

For older babies and toddlers experiencing teething pain, all-fruit Popsicles can provide the same relief as rubbing ice on the gums. This method works for older children. The child may only take a few licks or sucks off thePopsicle. Brush baby's teeth when done.

Natural Teething Remedy 6: Gum Cleaner

Purchase a small rubber gum cleaner. The gum cleaner fits on your index finger. Parents can gently use the gum cleaner to massage baby's gums. It's also useful for applying medicine when needed.

Natural Teething Remedy 7: Chamomile Tea Bag

A cooled chamomile tea bag can be gently rubbed onto a baby's gums. Do not use this remedy if allergies run in the family, as some people with allergies cannot tolerate herbal teas. Also, do not leave the tea bag with the baby, as the tea bag can open or tear.

Homeopathic Teething Remedies

  • If natural remedies don’t seem to alleviate the pain, you can use homeopathic teething remedies. The following are several homeopathic teething remedies which can you try:
  • Clove oil. Clove oil has believed able to relieve pain in teething infants. Before you give this product, better you dilute it with vegetable oil: about 4 drops to 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. And then test the teething solution on your gums before using it on your infant.
  • Natural teething tablets, such as Hylands. These tablets consist of chamomilla and bella donna. chamomilla can ease irritability, while bella donna able to relieve swelling

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