Homeopathy Cure:Acidity

When the digestive system is not able to digest some carbohydrates (sugar starches and fiber found in many foods) due to some shortage and absence of certain enzymes, these undigested carbohydrates when they reach large intestines are broken down by harmless bacteria to produce gas (carbon dioxide, hydrogen and in some methane) .This gas formation increases in people who suffer from lactose intolerance (carbohydrate intolerance). Irritable bowel syndrome — a chronic form of stomach upset that gets worse from stress and Malabsorption (when your body cannot absorb or digest a particular nutrient properly).
Though the symptoms are usually bloating , abdominal pain , belching and flatulence not everyone experiences all of them. The amount of gas produced and the sensitivity of the gasro-intestinal tract to the gas , determines the kind and the intensity of the symptoms that are produced .For example bloating in the abdomen is not produced by excessive gas, it is usually the result of an intestinal disorder, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The cause of IBS is unknown, but may involve abnormal movements and contractions of intestinal muscles and increased pain sensitivity in the intestine. These disorders may give a sensation of bloating because of increased sensitivity to gas.

Acidity Causes

Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acidity is caused by various factors:Stomach contains various enzymes and hydrochloric acids which help in food digestion. When there is a problem in the functioning of the digestive system, it results a disease called acidity.Foods which are rich in fats, such as chocolates cause acidity or acid reflux diseases.Excessive intake of alcohol, smoking, keeping stomach empty for longtime,skipping breakfast causes acidity. (Counseling by professionals and friendly peer groups, who do not smoke can help you in quitting smoking.)Excessive intake of caffeine also leads to acidity.Other causes of acidity or heartburn are pregnancy, aging, obesity,and bad eating habit, like eating junk foods Acidity leads to burning sensation in stomach and chest area.
Acidity Symptoms

Symptoms found in children are:
       Respiratory problems
       inadequate weight
       vomiting,
       coughing,
       turning down food

Symptoms found in adults are:
  •   Long heartburn, chest and stomach pain, gas formation in stomach,inflammation in chest, gastroesophageal reflux.
  •    Voice change and formation of ulcer in esophagus (tube connecting mouth and stomach), pain during muscular contractions, and pain in
  • ears are some of the symptoms of acidity.
  •   Patient with hernia are at a risk of developing acid reflux or acidity.acidity can affect your daily activity and you face difficulty inswallowing foods.
  • Acidity can exceed up to several months if not treated timely.
  • Homeopathy in Acidity offers several treatments to the patients which provides quick relief and prevents recurrence of acidity.
  • There are a number of treatments available in Homeopathy in Acidity.
  • Excessive intake of non-vegetarian, spicy or fried foods and mental tension give rise to hyper-acidity. If the condition is not treated in time, an ulcer may develop in the stomach as well, thus furtherworsening the condition.

Homeopathic Treatments for Acidity

There are various homeopathic treatments for this disease, but the patient`s symptoms should always match with the concerning symptoms of the medicine.

Argentum Nitricum 30

If the patient is suffering from burning and pain in the stomach with severe belching and flatulence i.e. gas. There is a sensation of splinter in the stomach. There is a great liking for sugar, sweets and salt. However, consumption of sweets causes diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is also caused by undue apprehension just before embarking upon an important activity. The presence of all these symptoms seriously needs the consumption of the medicine Argentum nitricum 30.

Carbo Veg 30

Acidity from consumption of alcohol, coffee, meat and fish, causing incessant sour or rancid eructation is the symptoms of taking this medicine. So much gas accumulates in the stomach that the victim feels the abdomen will burst. There is an intolerance of tight clothing around the abdomen. These symptoms are very much important to take the medicine Carbo veg 30.

Robinia 30

This medicine is an excellent remedy for severe burning in the stomach, associated with pain in the forehead. Intensely sour eructation occurs, frequently culminating into vomiting of a sour fluid. The whole body and also the stools smell sour. Indeed, Robinia30 is the remedy of first choice in the treatment of acidity.

Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica, a homeopathic treatment for acidity and belching is obtained from strychnine which is basically a toxic material available in the seeds of Poison-Nut Tree. Nux Vomica is generally used for treatment of numerous health problems related to indigestion. Nux Vomica is prescribed to people who suffer from tension and stress and are enthusiastic, grouchy and spiteful by nature. It can be taken before going to sleep as it is most effective when the mind and body
is at rest.

Thus the above mentioned homeopathic remedies can be used when a
person suffers acidity, indigestion or other stomach related problems.

Hints for controlling excessive gas

Following simple diet and lifestyle changes can help to reduce gastrointestinal gas and relieve symptoms

Be careful while eating

Eat more slowly,Chew your food thoroughly and Relax while you eat. Make sure that you don?t swallow air while you eat. Do not deliberately swallow air to force a belch

Eat what suits you

Foods that may cause gas include beans; vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage; fruits, such as apples, and peaches; whole grains; soft drinks and fruit drinks: milk and milk products,

Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly and Walk for 10 to 15 minutes after eating.

Home remedies that will help you in controlling acidity

 Regular practice of in taking one to two glass of water, in early morning is healthy habit and helpful in acidity control.
 Holy basil (tulsi) plays an important role in controlling acidity.Consuming few leaves of tulsi leaves anytime gives relief from acidity and is one of the useful home remedies for acidity..
 Natural and effective dosages for acidity control are: Take one table spoon alma with one table spoon haritaki (chebulic myroblan)
 Take two tablespoon honey with two tablespoon natural cidar vinegar before meal

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