Homeo Pathy Treatment For Tension...

Tension headaches are very common, affecting up to 90% of the general population in city. Unfortunately, they're also among the most neglected and difficult types
of headaches to treat. Pain is caused by tightness (contraction) of your neck,and scalp muscles. With a tension headache, the pain often starts at the back of your head and moves forward, so that it eventually includes your neck,scalp, and head. It’s often described as feeling like you have a tight band across your head. It may be caused by staying in one position for a long time,such as in reading, using a computer, or playing video games smoking high music. It may be also caused by stress, but sometimes there is no obvious cause. If your headaches happen 15 or more days in a month for several months,they are considered chronic tension headaches. If they occur less frequently,they are called episodic tension headaches.


  • Mild to moderate pain or pressure affecting the front, top or sides of the head
  • Pain is of a dull aching type
  • Sensation is of a tight band feeling on the forehead or sides of the head
  • Headache occurring later in the day
  • Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Disturbed concentration
  • Mild sensitivity to light or noise
  • General muscle aching
  • A tension headache may appear periodically (less than 15 days per month) or daily (chronic, more than 15 days per month).
  • Chronic tension headaches may vary in intensity throughout the day, but the pain is almost always present.

Causes: Triggers may include:

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Holding your head in one position for a long time (like using a computer)
  • Sleeping in an awkward position or in a cold room
  • Eye strain
  • Fatigue
  • Overexertion
  • Skipping meals
  • Head or neck injury, even years after the injury
  • Clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth (bruxism)
  • Medications, including some headache medications (leading to rebound headaches)
  • Smoking
  • Sexual exsess
  • Some food can cause headache

Homeopathic Treatment

Conventional medicine is relatively effective in providing short-term relief from the pain of headaches. But there are side effects, both short term and long term. Homeopathic medicines provide a safe alternative.

The scientific evidence for treating headaches with homeopathy is mixed. Some studies have shown beneficial results, but others found that homeopathic medicines worked no better than a placebo. Despite these confusing findings, it makes sense to try homeopathy due to its history of safety. It should be noted that although the two studies that showed negative results were well conducted, they primarily tested the treatment of patients who had experienced headaches for 20-plus years. While some homeopaths have claimed clinical successes in treating patients with long-term headaches, the scientific evidence for treating people with more than 20 years of headache pain does not verify this clinical experience.

The following remedies are commonly prescribed for tension headaches:

  • Belladonna  Right-sided headaches and migraine. Associated symptoms include throbbing pain, reddened or hot skin, cold feet and hands. for throbbing headaches that come on suddenly; symptoms tend to
    worsen with motion and light, but are partially relieved by pressure,
    standing, sitting, or leaning backwards.

Bryonia — for headaches with a steady, sharp pain that occurs most often in the forehead but may radiate to the back of the head; symptoms tend to worsen with movement and light touch, but firm pressure
alleviates the pain; the person for whom this remedy is most appropriate is
usually irritable and may experience nausea, vomiting, and constipation.

Gelsemium — for pain that extends around the head and feels like a tight band of constriction; pain usually originates in the back of the head and may be relieved following urination; this remedy is
most appropriate for individuals who feel extremely weak and have difficulty
keeping their eyes open.

Ignatia — for pain that may be described as a feeling of something being driven into the skull; these types of headaches tend to be triggered by emotion, including grief or anxiety, and the treatment is
appropriate for both children and adults

Iris versicolor — for throbbing headaches that occur on one side of the head, especially after eating sweets; visual disturbances may also occur; these headaches are worse in the early morning,
during spring and fall, and symptoms tend to worsen with vomiting.

Lachesis — for headaches that tend to occur on the left side of the head; symptoms are typically worse in the mornings, before menstruation, and with exposure to warmth and sunlight; symptoms tend to
improve with open air and firm pressure.

Nux vomica — for headaches associated with hangovers, overindulgence in foods or alcohol, and overwork; these types of headaches are often accompanied by nausea and/or dizziness; this remedy is most
appropriate for individuals who tend to be constipated and irritable.

Pulsatilla — for headaches triggered by eating rich, fatty foods, particularly ice cream; pain tends to move but may be concentrated in the forehead or on one side of the head and may be accompanied
by digestive problems or occur around the time of menstruation; children for
whom this remedy is appropriate often develop these symptoms while at school.

Sanguinaria— for right-sided headaches that begin in the neck and move upwards, recur in a predictable pattern (such as every seven days); pain is aggravated by motion, light, or sun exposure, odors,
and noise; this remedy is appropriate for children who may have a craving for
spicy or acidic foods, despite having a general aversion to eating due to the

Spigelia — for stinging, burning, or throbbing sinus pain that often occurs on the left side of the head; symptoms tend to worsen with cold weather and motion but may be temporarily relieved by
cold compresses and lying on the right side with the head propped up.

Aconite---tension is key note with heavy hot bursting pain,sensation in head as of a hot band about head, pulsation in forehead

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