Cervical Spondylosis : its Homeopathic treatment

Cervical Spondylosis is a degenerative condition of the cervical (neck) spine and associated intervetebral disc separating the vertebrae. Nerve compression, degeneration of the intervetebral discs and loss of normalcy of the spine curvature may lead to pain and stiffness of the shoulder muscles, loss of muscle strength and a constant discomfort or stiffness in the back and neck muscles.
You may have tried conventional pain-killers and muscle relaxants which do offer immediate relief. However, Homeopathic medicines have proven to help most individuals by reducing muscular spasm/stiffness and relieve intensity /frequency of pain, without any long-term adverse effects.
The medicines prescribed may be taken alone or along with your regular medicines prescribed by your physician. Over time the need for pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs can subside and the overall condition of the bone and disc can be improved.

Cervical Spondylosis Also Known As:  Cervical osteoarthritis, Neck Arthritis, Arthritis Neck

The most common symptoms with which these patients approach the doctor are:
  • Pain and stiffness in the neck.
  • The pain and stiffness could be confined to the neck alone
  • There could be radiation of the pain from the neck to the right hand
  • There could be radiation of the pain from the neck to the left hand
  • There could be radiation of the pain from the neck to the back of the head
  • There could be giddiness associated with pain and stiffness
  • There could be only pain in the upper arm 
  • There could be numbness in the tips of the fingers
  • These above symptoms could all suggest that you could be suffering from a condition known as cervical spondylosis

Sign and Symptoms On Examination

Limited ability to flex the head to the side (bend the head toward the shoulder) and limited ability to rotate the head.

Homeopathic Approach

Homeopathy cures Cervical spondylosis permanently. Cases which does not get relief anywhere they get cure in Homeopathy.Homeopathy has vast range of more than 208 medicines for cervical spondylosis.It Takes 12 to 18 weeks in recent cases and longer time in more old cases to be cure.
Homeopathic Medicines are prescribed on basis of individual symptom group, Modalities of pain and movements. Mild exercises are always advised with medicines.

Symptoms are caused by a combination of pressure on the nerve root and muscle spasm, and treatment is centered on relieving both of these factors.

Typically, the treatment offered at HRD involves the following:

 Prescribing purely Homeopathic medicines (No Steroids or NSAIDS) which have a specific action on relieving nerve inflammation

 Prescribing essential Biochemic remedies (Minerals) which prevent further disc degeneration and bone damage. Biochemic medicines are made from Calcium, Magnesium etc.

HRD patients typically experience the following benefits:

Relief in pressure and inflammation of the affected nerve
Disappearance in pain and tingling sensation radiating down the arm
Relief in headaches and stiffness of associated shoulder muscles
Improvement in the ability to function as normally as possible
Provide essential minerals required for disc, nerve and bone health

The most commonly used medicines used for the treatment of cervical spondylosis are..

Rhus Tox ..Pain and stiffness in the nape of the neck,pain between the shoulders,
Kalmia..pain from the neck down the arms,pain extending to the shoulder blades
Conium..cervical spondylosis with giddiness
Other commonly used medicines are:
causticum,calcarea phos,calcarea flour,nux,hypericum,

Note .Although I am giving the most commonly used medicines used for a particular complaint in my column it is advised that you consult a qualified homeopathic doctor nearby to you and take his advise about the treatment of the problem. 

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