Homeopathy and its Benefits...

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medical therapy that uses very small doses of medicines, or remedies. These remedies are prepared from substances found in nature. Nevertheless, homeopathy should not be confused with herbal medicine. These two systems of medicine are very different. Herbal medicine uses tinctures of botanical substances, whereas homeopaths use ultradilute "micro"doses made from not only plants, but minerals or any other substance found in nature.

The homeopathic doctor chooses the proper remedy by following a special rule of nature called theLaw of Similars. This law states "like cures like," or that a medicine can cure a sick person if it can cause similar sickness in a healthy person. For instance, if you peel an onion, your eyes burn, itch and water. You might also have a runny nose and begin to sneeze. If you had similar symptoms during a cold or allergy attack, such as a runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing, a homeopathic micro-dose of the remedy Allium cepa (red onion) would help your body heal itself.

The word "homeopathic" is derived from the Greek words homeos meaning "similar" and pathos meaning "disease" or "suffering." Thus, homeopathy means "to treat with a remedy that produces an effect similar to the disease or suffering."

Benefits of Homeopathy-

- Homeopathy is considered to be a very effective alternative medical therapy that is absolutely safe and natural. Unlike other medications, it does not have any side effects. It can be attributed to the fact that homeopathic treatment aims at stimulating the body's own defensive system, thereby enhancing the body's resistance to fight diseases. The reservoir of homeopathy benefits is very large.

Here are provided a few benefits & advantages of homeopathic medicines:

  • Homeopathy is a complete medical science which compared to other systems has a clear-cut advantage as one can certainly cure psychological, pathological and physiological disorders.
  • Usually you may notice that Homeopaths take a detailed history of the patient. This is to dig deep and find out each small cause of all your troubles whether small or big. Often one troubling sickness may be connected to a smaller sickness not recognized by you. If that is left untouched this may also flare up. So, the Homeopath studies the entire scenario encompassing each disorder and treats you for all the trouble at a time.
  • Also most advantageous is that all the homeopathic drugs are derived from nature and natural substances and if used under proper supervision it will not have any side effects whatsoever.
  • Homeopathy cures by stimulating and restoring body's vital energy to heal itself and when this happens you will be rid of each of your troubles small or big; old or new; it protects you from future troubles too.
  • It is beneficial in treating both acute and chronic health conditions. Infact, it has a solution for every chronic disease, even those that have been given the label of 'incurable' by other systems of medicine.
  • It is very easy to take homeopathic medicines. Usually, they are given to the patient in the form of sweet sugar pills that are tasty to eat. Thus, kids become ready to consume them.
  • These medicines are inexpensive, when compared to allopathic and ayurvedic drugs and thus are very much affordable.
  • The homeopathic medicines do not have side effects when they are used judicially. As the action is at the dynamic level and drug substance is minimum.
  • Homeopathy is very safe, even for pregnant women and babies.
  • Homeopathic medicines can be taken along with other medications without any side effects of homeopathic medicines.
  • Homeopathy works in harmony with the immune system and brings back the lost balance when it is in a diseased state. When the right homeopathic medicine is administered it stimulates the body and produces an action, which is known as the primary action and then the body will take care of the disease, which is known as the secondary action.
  • The effect of homeopathic medicine is best seen in children. When children are put on homeopathy it allows the child to blossom like a flower and even the hereditary tendencies which run in family can be minimized. The homeopathic medicines can be administered in a very simple way and because of its sweet taste kids take the medicines without any fuss.
  • It does not lead to something known as drug dependency.
  • This treatment not just helps in healing the immediate problem but also leads to overall health improvement.
  • It is suitable for persons of all age groups.
  • It is non-toxic and produces absolutely no chemical side effects.

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