Homeopathy and its Benefits...

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of medical therapy that uses very small doses of medicines, or remedies. These remedies are prepared from substances found in nature. Nevertheless, homeopathy should not be confused with herbal medicine. These two systems of medicine are very different. Herbal medicine uses tinctures of botanical substances, whereas homeopaths use ultradilute "micro"doses made from not only plants, but minerals or any other substance found in nature.

The homeopathic doctor chooses the proper remedy by following a special rule of nature called theLaw of Similars. This law states "like cures like," or that a medicine can cure a sick person if it can cause similar sickness in a healthy person. For instance, if you peel an onion, your eyes burn, itch and water. You might also have a runny nose and begin to sneeze. If you had similar symptoms during a cold or allergy attack, such as a runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing, a homeopathic micro-dose of the remedy Allium cepa (red onion) would help your body heal itself.

The word "homeopathic" is derived from the Greek words homeos meaning "similar" and pathos meaning "disease" or "suffering." Thus, homeopathy means "to treat with a remedy that produces an effect similar to the disease or suffering."

Benefits of Homeopathy-

- Homeopathy is considered to be a very effective alternative medical therapy that is absolutely safe and natural. Unlike other medications, it does not have any side effects. It can be attributed to the fact that homeopathic treatment aims at stimulating the body's own defensive system, thereby enhancing the body's resistance to fight diseases. The reservoir of homeopathy benefits is very large.

Here are provided a few benefits & advantages of homeopathic medicines:

  • Homeopathy is a complete medical science which compared to other systems has a clear-cut advantage as one can certainly cure psychological, pathological and physiological disorders.
  • Usually you may notice that Homeopaths take a detailed history of the patient. This is to dig deep and find out each small cause of all your troubles whether small or big. Often one troubling sickness may be connected to a smaller sickness not recognized by you. If that is left untouched this may also flare up. So, the Homeopath studies the entire scenario encompassing each disorder and treats you for all the trouble at a time.
  • Also most advantageous is that all the homeopathic drugs are derived from nature and natural substances and if used under proper supervision it will not have any side effects whatsoever.
  • Homeopathy cures by stimulating and restoring body's vital energy to heal itself and when this happens you will be rid of each of your troubles small or big; old or new; it protects you from future troubles too.
  • It is beneficial in treating both acute and chronic health conditions. Infact, it has a solution for every chronic disease, even those that have been given the label of 'incurable' by other systems of medicine.
  • It is very easy to take homeopathic medicines. Usually, they are given to the patient in the form of sweet sugar pills that are tasty to eat. Thus, kids become ready to consume them.
  • These medicines are inexpensive, when compared to allopathic and ayurvedic drugs and thus are very much affordable.
  • The homeopathic medicines do not have side effects when they are used judicially. As the action is at the dynamic level and drug substance is minimum.
  • Homeopathy is very safe, even for pregnant women and babies.
  • Homeopathic medicines can be taken along with other medications without any side effects of homeopathic medicines.
  • Homeopathy works in harmony with the immune system and brings back the lost balance when it is in a diseased state. When the right homeopathic medicine is administered it stimulates the body and produces an action, which is known as the primary action and then the body will take care of the disease, which is known as the secondary action.
  • The effect of homeopathic medicine is best seen in children. When children are put on homeopathy it allows the child to blossom like a flower and even the hereditary tendencies which run in family can be minimized. The homeopathic medicines can be administered in a very simple way and because of its sweet taste kids take the medicines without any fuss.
  • It does not lead to something known as drug dependency.
  • This treatment not just helps in healing the immediate problem but also leads to overall health improvement.
  • It is suitable for persons of all age groups.
  • It is non-toxic and produces absolutely no chemical side effects.

Cervical Spondylosis : its Homeopathic treatment

Cervical Spondylosis is a degenerative condition of the cervical (neck) spine and associated intervetebral disc separating the vertebrae. Nerve compression, degeneration of the intervetebral discs and loss of normalcy of the spine curvature may lead to pain and stiffness of the shoulder muscles, loss of muscle strength and a constant discomfort or stiffness in the back and neck muscles.
You may have tried conventional pain-killers and muscle relaxants which do offer immediate relief. However, Homeopathic medicines have proven to help most individuals by reducing muscular spasm/stiffness and relieve intensity /frequency of pain, without any long-term adverse effects.
The medicines prescribed may be taken alone or along with your regular medicines prescribed by your physician. Over time the need for pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs can subside and the overall condition of the bone and disc can be improved.

Cervical Spondylosis Also Known As:  Cervical osteoarthritis, Neck Arthritis, Arthritis Neck

The most common symptoms with which these patients approach the doctor are:
  • Pain and stiffness in the neck.
  • The pain and stiffness could be confined to the neck alone
  • There could be radiation of the pain from the neck to the right hand
  • There could be radiation of the pain from the neck to the left hand
  • There could be radiation of the pain from the neck to the back of the head
  • There could be giddiness associated with pain and stiffness
  • There could be only pain in the upper arm 
  • There could be numbness in the tips of the fingers
  • These above symptoms could all suggest that you could be suffering from a condition known as cervical spondylosis

Sign and Symptoms On Examination

Limited ability to flex the head to the side (bend the head toward the shoulder) and limited ability to rotate the head.

Homeopathic Approach

Homeopathy cures Cervical spondylosis permanently. Cases which does not get relief anywhere they get cure in Homeopathy.Homeopathy has vast range of more than 208 medicines for cervical spondylosis.It Takes 12 to 18 weeks in recent cases and longer time in more old cases to be cure.
Homeopathic Medicines are prescribed on basis of individual symptom group, Modalities of pain and movements. Mild exercises are always advised with medicines.

Symptoms are caused by a combination of pressure on the nerve root and muscle spasm, and treatment is centered on relieving both of these factors.

Typically, the treatment offered at HRD involves the following:

 Prescribing purely Homeopathic medicines (No Steroids or NSAIDS) which have a specific action on relieving nerve inflammation

 Prescribing essential Biochemic remedies (Minerals) which prevent further disc degeneration and bone damage. Biochemic medicines are made from Calcium, Magnesium etc.

HRD patients typically experience the following benefits:

Relief in pressure and inflammation of the affected nerve
Disappearance in pain and tingling sensation radiating down the arm
Relief in headaches and stiffness of associated shoulder muscles
Improvement in the ability to function as normally as possible
Provide essential minerals required for disc, nerve and bone health

The most commonly used medicines used for the treatment of cervical spondylosis are..

Rhus Tox ..Pain and stiffness in the nape of the neck,pain between the shoulders,
Kalmia..pain from the neck down the arms,pain extending to the shoulder blades
Conium..cervical spondylosis with giddiness
Other commonly used medicines are:
causticum,calcarea phos,calcarea flour,nux,hypericum,

Note .Although I am giving the most commonly used medicines used for a particular complaint in my column it is advised that you consult a qualified homeopathic doctor nearby to you and take his advise about the treatment of the problem. 

Homeopathy Cure:Acidity

When the digestive system is not able to digest some carbohydrates (sugar starches and fiber found in many foods) due to some shortage and absence of certain enzymes, these undigested carbohydrates when they reach large intestines are broken down by harmless bacteria to produce gas (carbon dioxide, hydrogen and in some methane) .This gas formation increases in people who suffer from lactose intolerance (carbohydrate intolerance). Irritable bowel syndrome — a chronic form of stomach upset that gets worse from stress and Malabsorption (when your body cannot absorb or digest a particular nutrient properly).
Though the symptoms are usually bloating , abdominal pain , belching and flatulence not everyone experiences all of them. The amount of gas produced and the sensitivity of the gasro-intestinal tract to the gas , determines the kind and the intensity of the symptoms that are produced .For example bloating in the abdomen is not produced by excessive gas, it is usually the result of an intestinal disorder, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The cause of IBS is unknown, but may involve abnormal movements and contractions of intestinal muscles and increased pain sensitivity in the intestine. These disorders may give a sensation of bloating because of increased sensitivity to gas.

Acidity Causes

Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) or acidity is caused by various factors:Stomach contains various enzymes and hydrochloric acids which help in food digestion. When there is a problem in the functioning of the digestive system, it results a disease called acidity.Foods which are rich in fats, such as chocolates cause acidity or acid reflux diseases.Excessive intake of alcohol, smoking, keeping stomach empty for longtime,skipping breakfast causes acidity. (Counseling by professionals and friendly peer groups, who do not smoke can help you in quitting smoking.)Excessive intake of caffeine also leads to acidity.Other causes of acidity or heartburn are pregnancy, aging, obesity,and bad eating habit, like eating junk foods Acidity leads to burning sensation in stomach and chest area.
Acidity Symptoms

Symptoms found in children are:
       Respiratory problems
       inadequate weight
       vomiting,
       coughing,
       turning down food

Symptoms found in adults are:
  •   Long heartburn, chest and stomach pain, gas formation in stomach,inflammation in chest, gastroesophageal reflux.
  •    Voice change and formation of ulcer in esophagus (tube connecting mouth and stomach), pain during muscular contractions, and pain in
  • ears are some of the symptoms of acidity.
  •   Patient with hernia are at a risk of developing acid reflux or acidity.acidity can affect your daily activity and you face difficulty inswallowing foods.
  • Acidity can exceed up to several months if not treated timely.
  • Homeopathy in Acidity offers several treatments to the patients which provides quick relief and prevents recurrence of acidity.
  • There are a number of treatments available in Homeopathy in Acidity.
  • Excessive intake of non-vegetarian, spicy or fried foods and mental tension give rise to hyper-acidity. If the condition is not treated in time, an ulcer may develop in the stomach as well, thus furtherworsening the condition.

Homeopathic Treatments for Acidity

There are various homeopathic treatments for this disease, but the patient`s symptoms should always match with the concerning symptoms of the medicine.

Argentum Nitricum 30

If the patient is suffering from burning and pain in the stomach with severe belching and flatulence i.e. gas. There is a sensation of splinter in the stomach. There is a great liking for sugar, sweets and salt. However, consumption of sweets causes diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is also caused by undue apprehension just before embarking upon an important activity. The presence of all these symptoms seriously needs the consumption of the medicine Argentum nitricum 30.

Carbo Veg 30

Acidity from consumption of alcohol, coffee, meat and fish, causing incessant sour or rancid eructation is the symptoms of taking this medicine. So much gas accumulates in the stomach that the victim feels the abdomen will burst. There is an intolerance of tight clothing around the abdomen. These symptoms are very much important to take the medicine Carbo veg 30.

Robinia 30

This medicine is an excellent remedy for severe burning in the stomach, associated with pain in the forehead. Intensely sour eructation occurs, frequently culminating into vomiting of a sour fluid. The whole body and also the stools smell sour. Indeed, Robinia30 is the remedy of first choice in the treatment of acidity.

Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica, a homeopathic treatment for acidity and belching is obtained from strychnine which is basically a toxic material available in the seeds of Poison-Nut Tree. Nux Vomica is generally used for treatment of numerous health problems related to indigestion. Nux Vomica is prescribed to people who suffer from tension and stress and are enthusiastic, grouchy and spiteful by nature. It can be taken before going to sleep as it is most effective when the mind and body
is at rest.

Thus the above mentioned homeopathic remedies can be used when a
person suffers acidity, indigestion or other stomach related problems.

Hints for controlling excessive gas

Following simple diet and lifestyle changes can help to reduce gastrointestinal gas and relieve symptoms

Be careful while eating

Eat more slowly,Chew your food thoroughly and Relax while you eat. Make sure that you don?t swallow air while you eat. Do not deliberately swallow air to force a belch

Eat what suits you

Foods that may cause gas include beans; vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage; fruits, such as apples, and peaches; whole grains; soft drinks and fruit drinks: milk and milk products,

Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly and Walk for 10 to 15 minutes after eating.

Home remedies that will help you in controlling acidity

 Regular practice of in taking one to two glass of water, in early morning is healthy habit and helpful in acidity control.
 Holy basil (tulsi) plays an important role in controlling acidity.Consuming few leaves of tulsi leaves anytime gives relief from acidity and is one of the useful home remedies for acidity..
 Natural and effective dosages for acidity control are: Take one table spoon alma with one table spoon haritaki (chebulic myroblan)
 Take two tablespoon honey with two tablespoon natural cidar vinegar before meal

Homeopathic Remedies For Acne...

Although most common during adolescence, acne can occur at other times in life, especially during times of hormonal shifts. Blackheads or pimples may be a problem on the face, neck, chest, and back when pores become infected or clogged with oil. The bacteria involved are always present on normal skin. Therefore, improving the skin’s resistance to infection is important. Most cases of acne can be resolved through hygiene and nutrition. Remedies may be helpful during flare-ups, but a constitutional remedy, prescribed by an experienced homeopath, is the most appropriate way to deal with severe or persistent skin problems.

Acne results from clogged pores. When the lining of the wall of the hair follicle sheds skin cells and they accumulate and interact with sebum, produced by sebaceous glands under the skin, the pore becomes clogged and bacteria grow and give rise to acne. During puberty, more hormones called androgens are produced that can cause the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum, thereby increasing the occurrence of acne. Other factors include heredity, stress, sun exposure, seasonal changes, makeup and even certain medications such as birth control pills.

Homeopathic Treatment of Acne-
According to homeopathic principle, local application is a strict NO while treating acne or any other skin eruptions. Let the medicine act on higher plane to enable the body comprehend the derangement in one of its sphere (here skin), and eradicate the disease process by alleviating the symptoms of the disease. For it to happen, the homeopathic expert must be aware of the constitution of the patient, his family history, his mental and physical traits, and any concomitant symptoms and signs if present.

Here is the list of some important homeopathic medicines to be thought of while dealing with acne cases-
Antimonium tartaricum: This remedy may be helpful for acne with large pustules that are tender to touch, with bluish-red marks that remain on the skin after active infection has passed. The person may be irritable, with low resistance to illness.

Calcarea carbonica: If a person with frequent pimples and skin eruptions is chilly with clammy hands and feet, easily tired by exertion, and flabby or overweight, this remedy may help improve the skin’s resistance to infection. People who need this remedy are often very anxious when overworked, and have cravings for sweets and eggs.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum: This remedy may be indicated when the skin is easily infected, slow to heal, and painful eruptions like boils appear. The pimples are very sensitive to touch and slow to come to a head; eventually, offensive-smelling pus may form. A person who needs Hepar sulph is usually chilly, sensitive to cold in any form, and feel irritable and touchy.

Pulsatilla: This remedy can be helpful if acne is worse from eating rich or fatty foods, and aggravated by warmth or heat. It is indicated especially around the time of puberty, or when acne breaks out near menstrual periods. The person often has a fair complexion and is inclined toward soft emotions and moodiness, feeling worse in warm or stuffy rooms and better in fresh air.

Silicea (also called Silica): A person with deep-seated acne along with a general low immune resistance, swollen lymph nodes, and a tendency toward fatigue and nervousness may benefit from this remedy. Infected spots are slow to come to a head, and also slow to resolve, so may result in scarring. A person who needs this remedy is generally very chilly, but inclined to sweat at night.

Sulphur: Itching, sore, inflamed eruptions with reddish or dirty-looking skin often indicate a need for Sulphur. Itching may be worse from scratching, and worse from any form of heat—especially bathing or washing. Individuals who need this remedy are often inclined toward convoluted mental notions and tend to give order and neatness a low priority.

Other Homeopathic Treatment

Although most people medicate using drug-store prescriptions containing Benzoyl peroxide, rescorcinol, salicyclic acid or sulfur, such medications can also cause irritations, burning or redness. Homeopathic cures are gentler, will not dry skin or damage pores while addressing the problem by healing the layers of skin underneath, rather than just treating the symptoms.

Most cases can be resolved through hygiene and better nutrition. It can also be as simple as changing your makeup, wearing less makeup or just drinking plenty of water. However, if that doesn't work, consider these homeopathic solutions:

Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil comes from the Melaleuca alternifoliasis tree in Australia. It contains bacteria-fighting substances called Terpenes, which can effectively kill acne bacteria or weaken them enough for the natural antibodies to destroy them. Very few side effects have been reported with tea tree oil use.

Aloe vera: The starchy gel found in aloe vera has enzyme-rich anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. You can apply it directly on skin to soothe skin irritations or eat it as a food to clean and detox the digestive tract. Detoxification can help clear skin.

Vitamin A, vitamin E and zinc: These nutrients are good for healthy skin. Vitamins A and E are natural antioxidants that protect against cellular damage of the skin. Colorful fruits and vegetables with its rich supply of powerful anthocyanins provide ample supply of vitamins A and E. According to National Institutes of Health, zinc is involved in many aspects of cellular metabolism from improving immune system to promoting DNA synthesis and cell division. Zinc can be found in seafood, beans, nuts and whole grains.

Homeopathic Face Savers

---Mash 4 strawberries and add 2 tsp. of heavy cream and 1 tsp. of honey to make a paste. Apply to skin and leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing off. This clarifying mask clears skin of impurities and prevents acne outbreak.

---Mix enough baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply directly on acne and leave it on for 20 minutes to clear acne.

Homeo Pathy Treatment For Tension...

Tension headaches are very common, affecting up to 90% of the general population in city. Unfortunately, they're also among the most neglected and difficult types
of headaches to treat. Pain is caused by tightness (contraction) of your neck,and scalp muscles. With a tension headache, the pain often starts at the back of your head and moves forward, so that it eventually includes your neck,scalp, and head. It’s often described as feeling like you have a tight band across your head. It may be caused by staying in one position for a long time,such as in reading, using a computer, or playing video games smoking high music. It may be also caused by stress, but sometimes there is no obvious cause. If your headaches happen 15 or more days in a month for several months,they are considered chronic tension headaches. If they occur less frequently,they are called episodic tension headaches.


  • Mild to moderate pain or pressure affecting the front, top or sides of the head
  • Pain is of a dull aching type
  • Sensation is of a tight band feeling on the forehead or sides of the head
  • Headache occurring later in the day
  • Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Disturbed concentration
  • Mild sensitivity to light or noise
  • General muscle aching
  • A tension headache may appear periodically (less than 15 days per month) or daily (chronic, more than 15 days per month).
  • Chronic tension headaches may vary in intensity throughout the day, but the pain is almost always present.

Causes: Triggers may include:

  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Holding your head in one position for a long time (like using a computer)
  • Sleeping in an awkward position or in a cold room
  • Eye strain
  • Fatigue
  • Overexertion
  • Skipping meals
  • Head or neck injury, even years after the injury
  • Clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth (bruxism)
  • Medications, including some headache medications (leading to rebound headaches)
  • Smoking
  • Sexual exsess
  • Some food can cause headache

Homeopathic Treatment

Conventional medicine is relatively effective in providing short-term relief from the pain of headaches. But there are side effects, both short term and long term. Homeopathic medicines provide a safe alternative.

The scientific evidence for treating headaches with homeopathy is mixed. Some studies have shown beneficial results, but others found that homeopathic medicines worked no better than a placebo. Despite these confusing findings, it makes sense to try homeopathy due to its history of safety. It should be noted that although the two studies that showed negative results were well conducted, they primarily tested the treatment of patients who had experienced headaches for 20-plus years. While some homeopaths have claimed clinical successes in treating patients with long-term headaches, the scientific evidence for treating people with more than 20 years of headache pain does not verify this clinical experience.

The following remedies are commonly prescribed for tension headaches:

  • Belladonna  Right-sided headaches and migraine. Associated symptoms include throbbing pain, reddened or hot skin, cold feet and hands. for throbbing headaches that come on suddenly; symptoms tend to
    worsen with motion and light, but are partially relieved by pressure,
    standing, sitting, or leaning backwards.

Bryonia — for headaches with a steady, sharp pain that occurs most often in the forehead but may radiate to the back of the head; symptoms tend to worsen with movement and light touch, but firm pressure
alleviates the pain; the person for whom this remedy is most appropriate is
usually irritable and may experience nausea, vomiting, and constipation.

Gelsemium — for pain that extends around the head and feels like a tight band of constriction; pain usually originates in the back of the head and may be relieved following urination; this remedy is
most appropriate for individuals who feel extremely weak and have difficulty
keeping their eyes open.

Ignatia — for pain that may be described as a feeling of something being driven into the skull; these types of headaches tend to be triggered by emotion, including grief or anxiety, and the treatment is
appropriate for both children and adults

Iris versicolor — for throbbing headaches that occur on one side of the head, especially after eating sweets; visual disturbances may also occur; these headaches are worse in the early morning,
during spring and fall, and symptoms tend to worsen with vomiting.

Lachesis — for headaches that tend to occur on the left side of the head; symptoms are typically worse in the mornings, before menstruation, and with exposure to warmth and sunlight; symptoms tend to
improve with open air and firm pressure.

Nux vomica — for headaches associated with hangovers, overindulgence in foods or alcohol, and overwork; these types of headaches are often accompanied by nausea and/or dizziness; this remedy is most
appropriate for individuals who tend to be constipated and irritable.

Pulsatilla — for headaches triggered by eating rich, fatty foods, particularly ice cream; pain tends to move but may be concentrated in the forehead or on one side of the head and may be accompanied
by digestive problems or occur around the time of menstruation; children for
whom this remedy is appropriate often develop these symptoms while at school.

Sanguinaria— for right-sided headaches that begin in the neck and move upwards, recur in a predictable pattern (such as every seven days); pain is aggravated by motion, light, or sun exposure, odors,
and noise; this remedy is appropriate for children who may have a craving for
spicy or acidic foods, despite having a general aversion to eating due to the

Spigelia — for stinging, burning, or throbbing sinus pain that often occurs on the left side of the head; symptoms tend to worsen with cold weather and motion but may be temporarily relieved by
cold compresses and lying on the right side with the head propped up.

Aconite---tension is key note with heavy hot bursting pain,sensation in head as of a hot band about head, pulsation in forehead

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